Thursday, April 16, 2015

FBI background check: the process from abroad (in Vietnam)

If you're an American and you're looking for an FBI criminal background check, the good news is that you can apply for one from within Ho Chi Minh City. The process is relatively easy and straightforward. It does, however, take a long time -- I didn't receive mine until three and a half months after submitting for it. 

Here's your info: 

  • The U.S. Consulate website for Saigon/HCMV has the steps: 
  • You can pay by credit card.
  • Include this application page.
  • The tricky part is the fingerprints. Here's the information on getting the fingerprints as provided by the U.S. Consulate. It's a little expensive, I believe $50. You might need this fingerprint sheet when you go. When I went, they already had a copy of the above fingerprint form for me. 
  • Here is a checklist to make sure you have all the documents.
Just send and wait! And be prepared to wait. Do comment if you have questions, updates or corrections.

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  1. Links are outdated above. Try here:


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